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Tart Cherry Juice for Gout

Updated on January 3, 2016
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As a researcher and author, John provides information in an easy-to-understand way that helps readers understand their conditions.

Health Benefits of Tart Cherries and Cherry Juice

Why Cherry Juice for Gout?

Gout sufferers are increasingly looking for non-drug solutions to their condition.

The reasons are pretty clear...

  • drugs can be expensive
  • there are 2 types for gout: anti-inflammatory and uric acid reducing drugs
  • long term use of anti-inflammatory drugs can cause serious health problems, even death
  • uric acid reducing drugs only work whilst being taken so are taken for life
  • the drugs have numerous side effects
  • lots of people don't like taking drugs anyway and always look for natural alternatives

There are many natural remedies for gout out there, but the use of cherries and cherry juice for gout seems to be increasing rapidly.

Here, you'll discover what makes cherries such an important food, why cherry juice is just as effective, and how to take cherry juice for the best outcome...

What's So Special About Cherry Juice for Gout?

Why does cherry juice for gout work so well?

Cherries contain highly effective antioxidants called 'anthocyanins' which have natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

Some researchers have even suggested that 20 cherries per day is equivalent to 1 NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) per day.

So cherries have the ability to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

But, crucially, research shows that, because of the potassium they contain, they can also increase uric acid secretion from the body, and lower uric acid levels in the blood.

So cherries can reduce the pain and inflammation of an attack, and, help to prevent future attacks by lowering and maintaining uric acid levels.

This third benefit is particularly important because...

  • once having had an attack of gout you are almost certain to have more.
  • frequently recurring gout can cause permanent joint damage and kidney stones, and has been linked to kidney disease, stroke, heart disease, even death.

So doing everything you can to prevent another attack is vitally important. And cherries can form a vital part of that process.

Luckily for us, studies have also shown that cherry juice is as effective as fresh cherries, which makes things much easier for us out-of-season.

How to Use Cherry Juice for Your Gout

The first thing to understand, when using cherry juice for gout, is that the syrup you get out of a normal can of cherries isn't the juice we're talking about here. The juice we need is the juice from the pressing of fresh cherries...

You'll get cherry juice / cherry juice concentrate from your local health store, drug store, some supermarkets and, as many of us do, online.

Using the concentrate: Add 2 tablespoons of tart cherry juice concentrate into a glass then 7 or 8 oz of water. Stir well and drink twice a day.

For non-concentrated: Just drink 7 to 8 oz of the juice twice a day.

You may wish to reduce the amount you take daily once your gout symptoms have abated. Take this reduced amount in order to help maintain healthier uric acid levels.

The amount you take will vary from person to person, as each individual is different. So decide on a reduced amount and stick with that for a while to see how you get on.

If your gout comes back then you can up the amount again until your attack subsides then reduce to a slightly higher level than the first time, and see if that does the trick. Repeat, if need be, until you find the level that's right for you.

Dr. Michael Murray: Cherries for Gout

Is Cherry Juice a Complete Cure for Gout?

Whilst using cherry juice for your gout is highly beneficial, both during an attack and for prevention, on its own, it's unlikely to be enough to help prevent you having gout ever again.

The condition is pretty complicated and, if truth be told, not wholly understood by the scientific and medical community.

What is known is that there are various things that can raise your risk of gout, and that there are several things that can be done to help reduce that risk - see link below.

What isn't in doubt is that, if all you do is just treat the pain of gout, and hope that it will never come back, you're likely to be severely disappointed.

You must not ignore your condition. Do all in your power to prevent those recurring attacks


Get Gout Relief Today

Relief from gout in as little as 2 hours with this system. Click here: for more information.


The content of this Hub is for informational purposes only. It is not meant to be a substitute for proper medical diagnosis, treatment or advice, and you should not assume that it is. Always consult your health-care provider / physician / doctor before taking any medications, natural remedies, supplements, or making any major changes to your diet.

© 2013 JCielo


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